Dream College? What Dream College?

What does it mean to have a dream college? To me, personally, I am torn between even the idea of having a dream college. Now that the college admissions process is drawing to a close, I’ve experienced both relief and sadness. I am no where near as disappointed as I thought I would be. I […]

The (Nonexistent) Calm Before the Storm

In about three weeks time, I will know where I’m going to college. I’M NOT READY FOR THIS. The ticking of the clock is becoming louder and louder, driving me bonkers until the days I receive my admissions decisions. The storm will come, and here I am just waiting for it to happen. It is […]

Truth Is, I’m Dying

Of anxiety, that is. The reason is because it’s March, which is the month during which all e-mails will give me a heart attack. Why? College admissions decisions are coming out. Everything that I’ve ever shed blood, sweat, and tears for has led up to this very (dreaded yet anticipated) month. I know. I know that […]